Goodwood Park Hotel - 110 Anniversary

Goodwood Park Hotel Celebrating 110 Years Of Timeless Elegance.
On 21 September 2010, this grande dame celebrated her 110th anniversary.

Goodwood Park Hotel, formerly the Teutonia club, was built in 1900, fashioned after the castle on the Rhine in Germany.
In the 1890s, Swan and Maclaren, the first architectural firm established in Singapore, was commissioned by the German community to build the club on a small hill in Scotts Road at the cost of 20,000 Straits Dollars.
The street scene outside the Teutonia Club in the late 19th century was very different from what it is today. Scotts Road, in those early years, was a favourite haunt of tigers from Peninsula Malaysia. The Scotts and Orchard Road area was also the home of flourishing pepper, nutmeg and fruit plantations, prompting the name "Orchard Road".

Scotts Road is named after Captain William Scott, Harbour Master and Post Master of Singapore in the 1830s. He lived in "Hurricane Cottage" on his fruit and cocoa plantation at the junction of Scotts and Orchard Roads.
Between 1900 and 1914, the Teutonia Club held many fashionable cultural and social gatherings. The German community gathered at the Club to play tennis, sing German songs and enjoy the music of Bach, Beethoven and Handel.
All this ended with the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The Teutonia Club was taken over by the British Custodian of Enemy Property.

After the War, the Teutonia Club was purchased by the Manasseh brothers (Morris, Ezekiel and Ellis). The Club was renamed Goodwood Hall, after the English residence of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon because Mrs Ezekiel Manasseh's family name was Gordon. Hence the sentimental tie with the "Goodwood" of England.

Between the 1918 and 1929, the Hall was used as a restaurant and reception hall for weddings and entertainment. In 1922, Anna Pavlova, the famous Russian ballerina, made her Singapore debut at Goodwood Hall.
In April 1929, the Manasseh brothers turned Goodwood Hall into a hotel, renaming it the Goodwood Park Hotel. By the end of the 1930s, it became one of the best known hotels in Singapore, patronised by such notables as the late Duke of
Windsor, and renowned playwright, Noel Coward.
During the Second World War, the hotel was used as a residence for Japanese officers (1942-1945).
In 1947, Goodwood Park Hotel was eventually returned to the two surviving Manasseh brothers and Mr Vivian Bath, stepson of the deceased Ezekiel Manasseh. Subsequently, Mr Bath bought over the shares of the Manasseh brothers for S$600,000.
In 1963, Mr Khoo Teck Puat, a local businessman bought the hotel. Since then, he has added various wings to the six hectare property. In 1978, he restored the Tower and the entire wing to its original glory.

GOODWOOD PARK HOTELSource: Publicity information board placed in the porch of Goodwood Park Hotel.
Standing in ten acres of grounds, within easy reach of the business and shopping centres of the city, it is an ideal hotel for visitors and tourists.
Single and double rooms, and private suites.
Every room has a bathroom and verandah.
Modern sanitation throughout.
GARAGE accomodation for 30 cars.
Fourteen tennis cours.
RESTAURANT.....Table d'hote and a la carte.
You may pay higher prices but you cannot obtain more perfect service, better cuisine, finer wines or more comfortable rooms. Yet you can have bedroom, bath and all meals from $6 per day.
HIGH CLASS RESTAURANT under European Supervision.
Unravelled facilities for private entertainments.
English - Dutch - French - German spoken.

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