NDP Live! @ Changi Simei

Please check out this interview with the Chairman of Changi Simei CCC, who brings celebration to the Heartlands with the live telecast of the National Day Parade 2009:
Interview with Mr Koh Tong Seng

This topic is presented in "phlog" (photo blog) format. The photos (No. 1 to 5) show the sequence of events at the community happening when residents of Simei come together to celebrate the nation's 44th birthday.
The historic Pledge Moment at 8:22 pm (Photo No. 5) was synchronised with the pledge-taking at Marina Bay and all parts of Singapore and globally via 'live' webcast on the Internet.
It was a great National Day celebration with neighbors and friends!
For more photos of the NDP Live! @ Changi Simei, please check them out at Jason Ong's Photos
Labels: NDP Live at Changi Simei
Hi James,
Thank you for this gathering of oldie birds aka " lao cheow". I think it's an excellent initiative on your part to do this.
Hopefully you will be able to find more birds to put into the cage for exhibition!
Lovely blogsite you have.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and compliments. You are not a "lao cheow". You are my "Lao Puay Lang" (in Hokkien means Senior Mentor :)
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