Wheels of Knowledge & Friends

Group photo of "Wheels of Knowledge & Friends". Courtesy of Royston Neo, digitalPh(O)tograph
Members of the "Wheels of Knowledge & Friends" were scheduled to read aloud on stage at the "Reading Marathon 2009" on 5 July from 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
While it was showtime for Nantha Kumar to read his favorite piece to the audience with a voice filled with emotion and feelings on stage, Dennis Kweh, Eugene Soh and I moved to a cozy corner at The Plaza, away from the stage so that our loud voices will not drown the interesting story read by Nantha.
After introducing ourselves, Dennis, Eugene and I started to chat about.....what else other than books and reading! It was like the meeting of old friends.
We all share a common interest. Yes, we are crawlies (more commonly known as "book worms") who will make a beeline to the nearest National Libary whenever we get the chance to do so.
We are not silverfishes...the "terrorists" which destroy books though :)
Eugene works as an IT software developer and a "selective" reader. "Selective" meaning he will first filter through the book titles and read only books and articles which will nourish his mind and his soul. So it is not surprisingly that the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series are among his favorites. I got some great tips from Eugene and will start my "chicken soup" diet regime soon.
Dennis gave me a knowing smile when I told him that I am blogging on the "Reading Marathon 2009" from my personal perspective as a spectator, not a participant.
I didn't know that Dennis is also a fellow blogger!
But of course, we bloggers are not "publicity hounds" with a "I Am A Blogger" tattoo on our foreheads. We do not wish to attract unnecessary attention and be stared at in public places. We are not celebrities like MJ.
We value our privacy as private citizens and are afraid of mobsters. We also avoid crowded places for fear of the H1N1 virus infection.
Dennis invited me to visit his Adventure 200 Singapore website.
He purposely kept me in suspense and did not want to reveal what the website is about.
Well, I found out when I checked out his website later. Dennis is a librarian! No wonder he knows so much about books.
Since Dennis had kept me in suspense to surprise me, I would also like to spring a surprise on you just for fun : )
Some hints though....there's a video clip on his website.
Enjoy your tour, folks!
Sent from my Treo 650
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