Berita Harian, 23 February, 1982

Source: Berita Harian dated 23 February, 1982
(Please click on image to enlarge)
Exhibition attracts more than 100 library members
MORE than 100 people, mostly children, became library members in the housing estate here.
They are among the West Coast residents who attended the Book Exhibition at Block 602, Clementi West Street 1, organized by the West Coast Zone 3 Residents Committee and the Queenstown Branch Library last Saturday afternoon.
Free Membership
This is the first time that a Residents Committee has organized such an exhibition. According to a committee member, the response was encouraging.
At about 4.00 pm, a total of 800 books were loaned to the residents.
Ms Mavis Richards, the Head of the Queenstown Branch Library, said that usually an average of about 50 to 60 people register as library members whenever such exhibitions are held.
She added that membership is free.
Cultivate Interest
One of the youngest members to join the library was nine-month-old Maylene Seah. Her membership was registered by her father, Mr James Seah Kok Thim, Treasurer of the Residents Committee.
Mr Seah said that although his daughter still could not read, she likes to look at the pictures and this is one way to cultivate the child's interest so that she will enjoy reading from a young age.
Besides the exhibition of books in the four official languages, there was also a presentation of songs by children. A lucky draw based on the library registration number was also held.
With thanks to Miss Ong Hui Pheng, Librarian, Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, National Library Board and Miss Nur Shawalindah Yusop who helped to translate the Berita Harian report in English.

Maylene at home in the mini "Library Sweet Library".
Labels: Berita Harian
Hi James, thanks for sharing this. By the end of the article, I realised why this had significance for you. You were interviewed and cited in the paper! I've shared your post with my colleagues.
The article also tells me that the library has changed in many ways, and yet some things are still the same (e.g. the activities to promote membership and use of the library). Thanks!
You're most welcome, Ivan. Thank you for directing some traffic to my blog :)
Oh yes, I forgot to mention about the countless activities and events organised to cater to various age groups to promote educational and reading habits.
Shame they didnt have a picture of us! Hmm..I loved looking at pictures? I still love looking at pictures.
Thimbuktu, you had the foresight to kindle interest in your daughter to read in the future when she was 9 months old, but not a photo to mark the special occasion. I have a lot of photos of my four children. My special photos of them was at 5 months old each. Similary, I have photos taken of my four grand children at 5 months old each. All the 8 photos are now proudly displayed at my home
Thanks for your comments, Philip.
My daughter Maylene is an avid reader and loves books since she was a child.
On several occasions when I was at the old National Library at Stamford Road to do some personal research, I bounced into her in the reference section working on her school projects :)
Your children and grandchildren are lucky to have their childhood photos preserved in your family album collection and displayed at home.
Some of my children's photos are uploaded to my Walk Down Memory Lane phlog.
It is too tedious and time-consuming to wade through the piles of old non-digital photos to scan them. I've stopped updating the phlog for a long time.
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