Colours of Mid-Autumn 2012, Singapore
[组图] 新加坡各界中秋庆祝活动拉开帷幕
星期一, 9月 17, 2012
亮灯仪式后,来自新加坡当地和中国的艺术家为观众献上了多元民族特色的音乐歌舞。有歌颂中国维吾尔族、汉族青年男女美好情感的舞蹈,有新加坡四大种族共同 演绎的《月亮代表我的心》,也有孩童、老人等祖孙三代表演的象征中秋团圆的情景剧。在演员的邀请下,台下观众也走上舞台同庆中秋佳节,焰火表演更是将整台 晚会推向了高潮。
15日晚,新加坡庆中秋的另一项活动“月圆河畔庆中秋”也在陈庆炎总统的见证下放飞天灯,鸣锣开幕。本次活动是主办方第一次与中国贵阳地方政府合作,除延 续以往在新加坡河畔克拉码头的彩灯展示活动以外,还首次在牛车水附近的芳林公园设置灯组,来自贵阳歌舞艺术团和新加坡本地的艺术表演团体也将每晚在这里为 游客呈现精彩的歌舞表演。
开幕当晚,贵阳苗族绝技“刀尖上的舞蹈”让现场观众叹为观止。光着脚丫的苗族小姑娘在一排明晃晃的刀尖上行走自如,时而还做出惊险难度动作,让观众的心都 提到了嗓子眼。芳林公园布置了形态各异的灯组,有神话传说中的孙悟空,也有以“龙生九子”为主题的系列灯组。为吸引更多民众参与,活动组织者辟出专门互动 区域,民众可以在这里猜灯谜、品茶、用象棋灯笼下棋等。

The Official Light-Up & Opening Ceremony of the Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival 2012 by Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of Singapore on 16 September, 2012 (Sunday) at 6:15pm at New Bridge Road in front of Lucky Chinatown.
Mr Vincent Tan, Chairman of the Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival 2012 Organising Committee receiving the Singapore Book of Records for the "largest display of street lanterns" while Dr Lily Neo, Grassroots Adviser & Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC looks on.
Four streets - New Bridge Road, Eu Tong Sen Street, Smith Street and South Bridge Road - are lighted up by 16,800 lanterns over 2km of road in Chinatown.
Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival 2012 celebration is organised by the Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens Consultative Committee. This is the 15th year Chinatown's Mid-Autumn Festival organised by them.
Mr Vincent Tan said, "We hope the festival will attract more people to Chinatown and help people understand more about Chinese culture," He noted that work on the festival began in April, 2012. "Hopefully this will also help to bring more business to the shops here."
The festival will run till Oct 14. During this period, lantern exhibitions and stage shows will be held at Kreta Ayer Square.
On Sept 29, a mass lantern walk - stretching from Banda Street to Eu Tong Sen Street - will be held.
Some roads will be closed during the festival. For information on the festival program and road closures, visit Chinatown Festivals .
Greatest Show in Chinatown - Colours of Mid-Autumn 2012
Celebrate the traditional mid-autumn festival in Singapore.
Experience the Mid-Autumn Festival—a celebration of family unity at a time of year when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. For this grand community event, Chinatown has been decorated with bright vibrant lanterns. Enjoy fun activities like lantern painting and shopping at a festive bazaar with over 300 stalls. It’s a rich cultural experience that’s not to be missed.
Join in a grand celebration of family unity and thanksgiving during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Also known as the Chinese Lantern Festival, the festivities traditionally happen on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. (Source: Your Singapore - What's On)
Labels: Colours of Mid-Autumn 2012, Singapore
James well done. Expect more invitations in the years ahead.
Thank you Philip.
As fellow Memory Corps members with a storehouse of nostalgic Singapore Memory to share with the youngsters, we can look forward to more invitations in the years ahead.
Happy blogging to pass our memorable stories for posterity!
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