Exclusive Interview with the Silver Ambassadors

I am heartened to note that Infocomm has started an initiative to introduce the "Infocomm123 - Ask, Learn, Explore" website at http://www.infocomm123.sg/silver_blog/silver_ambassadors.123 targetted at senior citizens.
Congratulations to Chun See, Lao Zhar Boh and Uncle Dick Yip ("The Wise Old Owl"; winner of Active Agers Infocomm Champion Award 2008) who are appointed as the Silver Ambassadors. They are some of the best representatives and evangelists for senior bloggers in Singapore who blog on a regular basis.
The following is the transcript of the Infocomm exclusive video interview on 'YouTube' with the 3 inspiring Silver Ambassadors, who share with us on their experiences of learning and mastering Infocomm as the 'older generation', the perks of blogging and why Infocomm is not just for the young.
I = Infocomm Interviewer; LCS = Lam Chun See; LZB = Lao Zhar Boh; DY = Dick Yip.
I : Whoever said that Infocomm is only for the young? 3 Silver Ambassadors are here to prove that wrong. Lets have a chat with these 3 popular senior bloggers. So tell us, how did you get started with Infocomm?
DY : It was to use it to play some games.
LZB: It started 2 years ago when I acted in the film "Just Follow Law". Since then I fell in love with the Internet.
LCS: I started using some sort of email in 1987.
I : What have you learnt on the Internet?
DY : I learnt a lot of things just like we did. In fact, I came across Lam Chun See's blog by accident. I was trying to google for (asking Chun See)...what was the title of that song? That one, the song..."Good morning yesterday". Ah..."The Times of Your Life".
MSG: "We knew each others on line".
LCS: I also learn to set up a blog for my work.
LZB: Although I may be old in age, but I'm still very happy to learn the Internet. Because I get to communicate with the friends who are very dear to me.
MSG: "Internet = of use to younger generation only?"
DY : I think its perfect for retirees like myself. Those who are retired to keep in touch. Its ah...the time I was also social networking on Facebook.
MSG: "Wow! Uncle Dick has a Facebook account!"
DY : I was the earliest users on Facebook. Everyone was surprised. The students were surprised when they found me. They say "Sir, how comes you are on Facebook?" Hahaha...they thought we are pupils only.
LCS: I enrol to Skype. I found that Skype is useful. Can save money.
MSG: "Ah....Very Savvy!"
DY : I read the news online only. And there are so many newspapers I do not read also.
I : Sounds like you're pretty savvy with the Internet. Is it really that easy?
LZB: In the beginning, I knew absolutely nothing at all. Then my god-daughter encouraged me to start with blogging and then learn slowly from there.
DY : It is not difficult at all. You just need to take things one step at a time.
I : Let's talk about blogging....how has it benefitted you?
LCS: Blogging helps us to connect with the young people. A lot of the times, the young people do not like us to talk about the old 'grandfather' stories. However, when you share with them your stories via the Internet, they actually enjoy it. Its quite interesting.
LZB: You and I are of the same age. If I can do it, so can you!
DY : Enjoy the fun of it. Do your best. The age should not stop you at all.
LCS: I think the most important thing is to be prepared to ask. Don't be afraid to lost face. Now you have Infocomm123. You can go to Infocomm123 and ask, and then you will find that there are many people who are willing to teach you. So don't be afraid to ask.
I : Thank you, Silver Ambassadors. We salute this lively and 'young at heart' senior bloggers.
LCS, LZB, DY: Get into the "World of Infocomm" today!
I : Remember, if they can learn Infocomm, so can you!
Hopefully, with the help of Infocomm, more senior citizens would come forward to expore the wonders of the Internet and to create their own personal blogs.
The retired teachers, lecturers, writers, people who like to write, could share their vast knowledge and experience through their blogs.
Mahatma Gandhi said: "Knowledge of benefits to others which are not shared is lost!"
Labels: Silver Ambassadors
Hi James,
This post of yours appeared on mm"Google Alert for Dick Yip" something which I added some time ago.
Thanks for your wonderful post. Without a doubt We are all doing our part to get more seniors on board this exciting journey.
Will visit your blogs from time to time.
unk Dicko
Thank you James. You are also doing your bit to promote IT to the seniors. Only that you do it quietly behind the scene without fanfare and public attention.
I think you are a much more suitable Silver Ambassador than me. For one you are older than me. Plus you are much more all-rounded IT-wise. I only focus on blogging; but you are into so many IT gismos.
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